We had a beautiful litter of four born on December 27th. Puppies will have first shots and dewormed as well as rear dew claws removed and tails docked. We raise our puppies using Puppy Culture and they will be started with crate training, potty training, and plenty of exposure to grooming to ensure they are given the best possible start! Puppies are $1,000 with a $400 deposit to reserve. Meet our "cow themed" litter below! Photos will be updated as they get older.
"Angus" - Black parti male. Angus was the first born and the largest puppy in the litter. We also call him puppy "X" due to the X shaped marking on his back.
"Jersey" - Chocolate parti merle male. Jersey was the 2nd born and has some of the most beautiful markings.
"Dexter" - Blue merle male. Dexter was the 3rd puppy born.
"Blue" - Black female. Little Blue was the last puppy born and our only girl in the litter! She is nearly pure black with only a white slash on her chest.