Boy Scout scouts girl cub scouting bsa boys life handbook collection vintage antique museum heritage old
For sale: LARGE Boy Scout lot
Hundreds of items, first edition handbook through current edition (14), boys cub book, campfire programs, history of scouting, Eagle Scout history, mugs, posters, reprints, originals, uniforms, Cub Scout board game, troop horn, Boy Scout backpack, canteens, mess kits, socks, boys life magazine original reprint, 50th anniversary edition, 75th anniversary edition, vintage original belt, Cub Scout items, merit badges, paperwork, cards, and so on.
Too much to list and explain. This is a one of a kind collection I have bought piece by piece over the last several years. Must see in person and make an offer. Would like to sell everything as a lot but would consider selling 1 or a few items by themselves. Hundreds of scouting items that are from the early 1900s through current. If interested, please call or text 701-625-1112 and come take a look at everything I have. Thank you for your time.