Selling 65 Registered Angus Bulls and 40 Commercial Heifers
Bulls that are bred and managed with the commercial man in mind, they are long, deep, and thick from a cowherd that is heavily culled for the convenience traits such as disposition, foot quality, udder quality, and overall structural soundness. Look for them to sire steers that are heavy, while producing problem free daughters that last in your herd. All bulls are genomic tested, will be semen tested prior to delivery, and will be delivered free up to 250 miles.
The commercial heifers will sell in 8 groups of 5. The groups are based on heifers of similar weight and type. They are all checked to be open and breedable, Bangs Vaccinated, and on a complete shot program including Bovi Shield Gold FP5 VL5.
Feel free to contact us with any questions, and visitors are always welcome to view the offering before the sale. For more information, including links to the catalog and videos, visit